The following episode took place yesterday.
Hayley comes home from school and Tess (pictured above) is overjoyed to see her and greets her with much wagging, bouncing and puppy kisses.
Me: I wouldn't kiss Tess if I were you.
Hayley: Why?
Me: She's been outside playing with a dead mole.
Hayley: (Turns several shades of green): Ewwww! I kissed a mole!
Cue the Katy Perry music: "You kissed a mole, and you liked it!"
It had to be said.
Which of course instantly morphed into our favorite game of making parodies of songs to suit our situations. We like to channel our inner Weird Al Yankovich.
Wes came up with "Kiss mole thru the phone." (Souja Boy)
Or how about Keith Urban's "Kiss a mole"?
Speaking of moles, I wish you would look at this mess my nemesis, the mole, has made in my flower bed. Well, it's not so much a flower bed now as it is Caitlin's vegetable garden.

He tunneled under my herbs and pushed up my basil and popped it right out of the ground is what he did. Just like on the cartoons.

This is my mole catcher, Dazey. She has obviously not been doing her job.
Of course, her method involves digging millions of holes so it's either mole tunnels or dog potholes.
Pick your poison.
Interestingly, did you know there is such a thing as Mole Day? Sadly, it does not celebrate my favorite rodent which would be amusing. It commemorates Avrogadro's Number which is a basic measuring unit in chemistry. Which, now that I think about it, is probably funnier. Chemists all over the world partying hearty in white lab coats with test tubes and beakers on October 23rd each year.
"Party Like a Chemist" (Shop Boyz) anyone?!
Cute dogs.
It reminds me of the time that my dog killed me a baby squirrel. she was so proud and brought it up to the step and left it at my feet. However, all I could think of was "someone give her a bath and brush her teeth" before she had freedom to roam in the house again! Poor puppies. They just don't understand us humans sometimes!
We had moles in the back yard until we threw the cat outside. Then we had dead moles in the house.
Pick your poison.
First of all....that is freakin' hilarious. Just picturing Wes singing "Kiss Mole Thru the Phone" makes me laugh. Does he do that groovy dance, too?
And second....once again, smart friend, you impress me with not only knowing about Aggra-whoever, but being able to spell it.
You would think with The Flood of 2009, all the moles would have drowned!! Wishful thinking!!
that was an emberassing day..... DONT EVER LET DAD SING ANY OF THOSES SONGS AGAIN!!! on the other hand, look at my cute pjs on the tessie photo!
that was an emberassing day..... DONT EVER LET DAD SING ANY OF THOSES SONGS AGAIN!!! on the other hand, look at my cute pjs on the tessie photo!
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