Sunday, July 5, 2009

Surrender All by Joni Lamb - A Review

“Surrender All: Your Answer To Living with Peace, Power & Purpose” by Joni Lamb is a fairly quick, easy read that at times can come across as a little trite especially if you have recently suffered a type of crisis or tragedy in your life that she addresses in the book. However, just when you decide that she is oversimplifying some of life’s greatest struggles, Mrs. Lamb will surprise you with a thought-provoking statement.

She discusses surrender in several areas of our lives such as marriage, children, career, and loss. Joni recounts dramatic, almost unbelievable at times, stories of extraordinary people who have had to surrender to God in the most difficult of circumstances. In fact, some of the stories she shares could have entire books written about them and really couldn’t be covered in depth enough in this book which left me feeling as though she were a little bit flippant with them.

She also uses her own personal experience to share her uplifting, encouraging message of surrendering your all to God. Joni constantly reassures us that God will mend and restore all aspects of our lives including finances, health and relationships if we will just surrender them to Him. However, she is also very careful to make sure we understand that God hasn’t promised us a life of ease as His children and that surrender doesn’t guarantee a worry-free existence. Sometimes she flirts a little with the “prosperity gospel” or “name it and claim it theology” but mostly her advice seems to be grounded in Scripture. Most importantly, she makes sure to share the most significant story of surrender: Jesus.

Overall, Mrs. Lamb’s book is an interesting read that should encourage you to examine your own life for areas that need surrender in order to bring about the peace you are longing for.

1 comment:

Dache said...

Lisa, thanks for the review of Joni Lamb's "Surrender All." So glad you enjoyed it!