Flat Glenn begged to have his picture taken outside the Archives with this statue that reminds us to "Study the Past."
Next, we went to the U.S. Holocaust Museum.
Wow. Words are inadequate to describe this place, the stories and the feelings. My kids were both fascinated and both of them thought this was the most interesting place we'd visited so far. We also had some really great discussions about the dangers of propaganda and blindly following a cult of personality leader, etc. We also discussed what we hoped we would have done as German citizens and how vital it is to speak up for what is right and stand against what is wrong--no matter the cost.

Flat Glenn was dying to the this exhibit but didn't want to be a distraction so I left my purse unzipped so he could hear and peek out every once in a while.
"The State of Deception: The Power of Nazi Propaganda" was perhaps the very best tour we have taken and it was well worth this whole trip for that one tour. It is self-guided but we happened upon a very knowledgeable volunteer who was directing a tour and tagged along. Enlightening!

We made it the Smithsonian...at least ONE of them...the Museum of American History. Mainly we just wanted to see Dorothy's ruby slippers. The queue for the slippers was looonnnngggg but Caitlin had her heart set on seeing them so I waited with her. Wes and Hayley bailed on us so they also missed: Stephen Colbert's portrait, Archie Bunker's chair, Kermit the Frog, Oscar the Grouch and Minnie Pearl's hat!
NOW my trip is complete.
We've finally mastered the Metro system. In fact, we looked so confident we had someone ask US for directions! On the ride back to the hotel, though, Wes found himself seated next to a couple of FLAMING libs. They were young and so full of themselves. They talked the entire time about what a fabulous job Obama is doing, the crazy nuts who go to Palin rallies, etc. One of them even said very apologetically that his dad is a conservative. The other one said he was very glad his friend managed to outgrow it.
I had to keep giving Wes the stink eye to keep him quiet. By the time we got off, I needed duct tape because his head had exploded and he needed a transfusion because blood was shooting directly out of his eyes.
So, that was a fitting end to our D.C. visit. We're all ready to shake the dust of this town off our feet.
We felt suffocated and decided to just get in the car and start driving toward Annapolis. No plans...just to see what we could see. Because that's how we roll. Historic downtown Annapolis is lovely and quaint. The Naval Academy is very impressive.

And the fresh Maryland blue crabs at Cantler's were delicious!

After spending some time outside the big city we all felt renewed. Tomorrow we're on the road again most of the day to Oak Ridge, TN. I catch ya there!
Farewell, D.C.!
You saved the best for last! Ruby Slippers! Oscar the Grouch! The Naval Academy! And even the Holocaust Museum is a wonderful lesson for all.
Happy and safe driving! Glad Flat Glenn has behaved on this trip. I was worried about his attitude.
Kermit, Oscar, and the Ruby Slippers. Right up my alley.
And, please, next time you are next to some flaming libs, let Wes talk. Just because that would be good fun for everyone involved.
And look at you taking snaps of the crabs. You are learning, my friend. I feel like a proud food-picture-taker-mama.
And there wouldn't have been enough hankies in DC for me at the Holocaust Museum. That stuff gets me everytime.
SO glad you had a great time!!! :)
I went to Annapolis when I was in high school and I was determined to gain entrance into the Naval Academy. But friend, I wasn't nearly as smart as YOU.
I'm gonna be so disappointed if you don't experience Five Guys (and please don't give me the stink eye for saying that!). EVEN BooMama even blogged about it. You'll really be missing out, you smart friend, you. ;)
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