Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Post-Christmas Funk aka Pressures of the New Year

My hubby pointed out that I haven't posted in almost a week so this post's for you, Wes.

I guess I haven't posted because I didn't want to burden you with the funk I'm in. But since you're my friends, I'll go ahead and burden you anyway.

It happens every year. The few days before Christmas are magical...sparkling lights on the tree, the smell of cinnamon and sugar cookies in the air, the sense of wonder and eager anticipation, the warm glow of the fireplace. Then on Christmas morning, in the harsh light of day, after the packages are opened and the brunch is eaten, I start to see...the dust that has gathered around the garlands and candles, the glitter that once seemed magical is now sprinkled on the floor and just looks dirty, the pretty paper that once adorned those beautiful packages is shredded all over the living room, plastic pieces and wires from the child (and adult)-proof toy packaging are scattered all over the house. So begins The Post-Christmas Funk.

I hate the thought of taking down all the decorations and putting them away. They never fit in the boxes they came out of. I hate the thought of trying to find a place to put all the new stuff not to mention what do I do with the old stuff it replaces? So begins the Pressures of the New Year.

It begins with me scouring the internet for organization ideas, buying assorted containers and boxes and bins and baskets that never seem to go where I intended, grand ideas that THIS will be the year I get our household clutter under control but then I don't know where to start so I just don't and then I'm overwhelmed with a sense of failure. The New Year is a bust before it even starts!


Please excuse me while I wallow in self-pity for a few more days.


Amber said...

I've been missing you in BlogWorld...glad you're back!

I think the after Christmas funk is something we all go through. I've decided to leave my tree up for awhile. The idea of taking it down depresses me, and I really want to have everything put away and clean before I even tackle the tree and other decorations.

I'm just sad Christmas is over. I hate new years.

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

Lisa...I hear ya loud and clear.

I'm in more of a funk about being gone TWO WEEKS in December and feeling resentment over not getting that time back. I love being cozied up in the house with my peeps...but I have to put stuff away, clean, unpack, regain control of the laundry, and restock my fridge/pantry before I can enjoy the next several days. Puts me in a bad mood just thinking about it all over again.

I'll take some cheese to go with my whine.

Christi @ Writing the Waves said...

I CAN RELATE! This year, we actually got our stuff put up pretty early, and I was so relieved, but then again, we didn't take out all of it this year in the first place! Maybe when things get calmed down, and the kids are back in school, I will start getting ready for another yard sale to clean things out a little more...