Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday Morning Reflections

This morning I was reminded of a verse that I have often heard quoted and always thought I understood. But I've recently had an experience that serves as a stark example of the truth behind this verse.

"[Love] is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." 1 Corinthians 13:5 (NIV)

Love...keeps no record of wrongs.

I think I've always assumed that the beneficiary of this verse was the one who did the wrong. They were the recipient of forgiveness and were released from their responsibility for the wrongs they committed...whether real or perceived.

It occurs to me that this verse is really intended to benefit the one who was wronged. The one who is hurt the most by the recording of wrongs is the record-keeper. If we hold on to hurts, whether real or perceived, it doesn't hurt the one we're keeping score against. The wound that festers is in us.

So today I choose to wipe the slate write off the debt. Not to benefit the one who hurt me. Not to say that what they've done is insignificant. Not to relieve them of their responsibility. But because my Heavenly Father, in His infinite wisdom, tells me to let it go for my own good so that He can lovingly stitch up the wound and it can begin to heal.

I have a feeling that this is a choice that must be made daily. We must resist the temptation to rip out those stitches and re-open the wound. Will I give in sometimes to do just that? Probably. But He is faithful to redress the wound when I allow Him to. So for today, I'm allowing Him to wipe my tears, pick me up, and dust me off. And He sings over me with songs of comfort as He gently cleans out the wound.


Amber said...

Oh, honey. I love you. More than you know.

Thank you for friendship. Real.True.Friendship.

Mich said...

I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you.

Jennifer said...

I'm proud of you...

I'm glad you're my friend...

I love you...


Will forever be grateful for candy corn!!! ;)

Tiffani said...

Your reflections are very personal yet are so identifiable for all of us..thanks for sharing them.

Much love.